But how does it affect this generation of students forced to do on-line courses?
On the one hand, this will cause with no doubt a lack of formation to the students, due to that this way of teaching is not as efficient as the classic one (at the moment), and that the fact of having to adapt to the changes has slower the learning process.
Also it could create a gap between students who come from a wealthier and poorer families, specially in large families, where not every kid has his own device to attend to class correctly ,or maybe the device is not modern enough to access to some programs. This creates a difference between kids with a lot of facilities and other without them.
On the other hand, it is helping some students to set up routines of study, they are becoming more independent, organized and also they are realizing what study methods work the best for them. All those are essential skills for students, but apparently, most of the students are not used to do those stuffs.
Moreover, they are acquiring a much higher sense of responsibility and sensibility about their futures.
Furthermore, students and teachers are improving their technological skills, they use programs such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint, which are really important.
All in all, this extreme situation is producing extreme cases. Some students are benefiting from the situation meanwhile others are ending up adversely affected. Hopefully next year things will calm down and we will be prepare for any circumstance.