viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021

Wearables to help and save patients

The advancement of technology has led us to a new way of supervising our own health, it is "wearable technology", and over the last five years it has become increasingly common. Not only do sport professionals use it to track their health , but also ordinary people and people with many types of disabilities. Some of these light-weight machines are also quite affordable, for instance, you can find watches with many useful functions for prices of around 30 euros.

These watches have many options which allow you to keep an eye on your heart rate (that helps you detect any kind of irregularities), they also count your steps while walking and motivate you to be more active in order to prevent a sedentary lifestyle, and they track your sleep. Furthermore they analyze all the data and give you feedback every day about your activity and overall health.

Moreover, this tech has many more uses, these little clocks can be highly useful for people with Alzheimer, as they can set alarms with the certainty that they'll see them everyday ,as they'd be wearing it. Also other kinds of wearable devices like sensors which can help people who suffer a stroke recover more rapidly, or clothing which can detect changes in cellular temperature to detect tumors earlier.

To sum up, technology is taking a major role in health, it cannot only help us to recover from a disease but also prevent us from it.


 Homesickness is something very common that people always experience when they leave their home and stay in a different country. This feeling of sadness and longing for one's home can make it harder to get used to the new place and to adapt.

This emotion is triggered when you remember your home, friends, family or even food, and you have the urge to go back. It can be a very overwhelming feeling but you need to be down to earth and realize that you are living a new unique experience. Stepping out of your comfort zone is never easy but at the end it is very rewarding.

Although going back home is always an option, you can do several things to improve your situation in a foreign country, in order to make it your new home. You can meet new people, visit interesting cities, try new things and learn about their culture, and of course you can contact your family and friends whenever you miss them.

In conclusion, it is okay to feel homesick. When I've been abroad and it has rained a lot I've missed the Spanish weather but it didn't last long and, now I feel homesick for the other country!


 According to doctors, it is necessary to sleep 8-9 hours in order to be well rested and to maximize your productivity the next day. However, people seldom follow this recommendation. In fact, nowadays people sleep less and less, so we can perceive an increase in the number of cases related to sleep disorders , which has also grown exponentially after the lastest lockdown.

This lack of sleep is greatly affected by some factors, such as the blue lights of our screens, which have been proven to reduce the production of melatonin, leading into difficulties to fall asleep. These lights wouldn't be a problem if we did't use our smartphones or tablets two hours before going to bed, but the reality is that it's become a habit to check them right before sleeping.

Another factor is our diet, not only caffeine affects our sleep, but also fizzy drinks and sugar. So if we consume large amounts of that we will have trouble switching off.

Furthermore. Last lockdown completely modified our sleep schedule; we used to go to bed at 10pm one day and the next one at 3am, depending whether we were hooked on a good Netflix show or not. Some of us have got used to the routine again, but some others are having difficulties trying to adapt themselves.

Also, the concern of getting infected is making harder to sleep for some people.

To conclude, it could be said that we should make an effort to sleep at least 8 hours, because it has many benefices for our health and it will improve our concentration. 


 What is life if not challenges? In our daily life we usually have no choice but to face different challenges. They might be stressful and overwhelming but, if we look at the whole picture, we do realize that those challenges are key events that build our character and define who we are today.

Every single person has to overcome its own challenge. It could be a personal one, like deciding to step out of your comfort zone, an academic one, like pushing your own limits and getting better and better grades, or a challenge caused by this pandemic; due to circumstances given, many people have to survive through this hard time and to fight many problems like unemployment.

In my case, this year holds me one of the most decisive challenges I have ever experienced, selectivity. To successfully achieve my goals I must dedicate as much time and effort as I can. 

Sometimes you have the temptation to abandon the challenge, when that happens you must keep in mind your motivation, in my case getting to my dream career, an then take a second and focus again, and never give up.

To sum up, Challenges are hard, but if you do your best and do not lose your hope you will probably make it. 

Damned 2020 is finally coming to an end!!!

 I believe we can all agree 2020 has been a very strange year from its beginning to its ending. It has drastically changed the way we live and our own mindset. We had to learn to limit our contacts as much as possible in order to protect them from the virus. That is a really big effort, but maybe this year has made us realise some other things.

On the one hand, this year has made us appreciate some things we had taken for granted. Now, we know the importance of true friendships, we learnt who is going to be by our side regardless of the situation and to value small details like a hug. We have become closer to our family, and now we have more respect for elderly people and our grandparents, as we have missed them and worried about them constantly. Moreover we must also highlight how positive has been the lockdown to our environment, we have proved that we can really do significant changes by slowing down of lifestyle.

On the other hand, this year started with the wrong foot. First, there was a horrible wildfire in Australia which destroyed a large portion of the "Earth's lung" and many animal lives. Second, there were some important tensions between the two giants, the US and China, which could have led to a third world war, but that thankfully stoped just in time. Third, the death of Kobe Bryant.  And finally, this pandemic we are in, and the lockdown. This has definitely been by far the worst part of the year, many people have died ,the unemployment rate is too high and every single person has had a though time.

To sum up, I will say there is hope. The vaccines will improve the situation and by the end of this new year the pandemic might be over. 2021 seems like is going to be a better year.

American elections

Millions and millions of people have been following closely the last American elections, due to the great impact this country has in the rest of the world. Finally, last 7th November, Joe Biden was announced winner, as it had been predicted in the polls.

However, even though Joe Biden has become the president with more votes in history (81.283.485), Donald trump didn't get very far behind, as he was supported by 74.223.744 voters. This fact has made Donald Trump argue that the elections have been manipulated and he hasn't accepted his defeat yet. Many of his supporters had gone out to the streets claiming fakeness and fraud. Therefore, there has been a recount and the result did change, but in favour of Biden.

Joe Biden will be installed in the White House next 20th January, and I truly hope that by that time things will have got calmer and that problems will have stopped. I expect him to be a better president than Trump, because at least, he is willing to take action against Covid-19 by always taking into account the scientists' opinions, unlike Trump ,who advised the citizens to drink bleach.

All in all, we don't know anything yet. Biden will have to prove to be a better president by fixing the country and doing what he has promised. And it is time for Trump to give up. 


Influencers in our society

Being an Influencer is nowadays one of the most dreamed jobs among young people and teenagers. They are people who post regularly on their social media about their life and interests, and get paid for that. Also, they often are asked to collaborate with trademarks; they recommend the product to their followers and in exchange they might earn money or get the items for free. 
However, this arising job has been a trending topic since its origin and there are people who support them and others that still don't believe it is a valid profession.

On the one hand, an influencer gains its followers by being relatable, this means that a regular person sees itself reflected in them. It could be due to that they have a goal in common -like traveling-, they have a lifestyle they are trying to achieve ,or they teach abilities that are useful for their public -like gaming- all in all, they are very useful as a source of inspiration and to keep you motivated.
Also, many times influencers get in contact with their followers and act like their friends, which is helpful for many people who need support and find it in them.
Furthermore, a simple post on their platforms can bust the popularity of local or not-well-known brands, so they are a new form of marketing which in fact, is very effective.

On the other hand, there is nothing that guarantees you that the products they recommend are good, you can just trust them, but at the end of the day, they are strangers to you and the more products they sell the more money they get. So that could lead to dishonest reviews.
Moreover, as their name indicates, they "influence" people, not just to buy things but to act in certain way. Many young people look at them as role models and that could be dangerous if the influencers show on their social media bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking.

From my point of view, it is a job as any other and it has its difficulties (as maintaining your social networks and being constantly thinking about your image) and its good aspects (as being famous and getting free things). So we ought to respect them ,but at the same time to avoid getting too attached and idolizing them.

Micro influencers, ¿qué son y como encontrarlos? • Bright Marketing


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