sábado, 25 de enero de 2020

Time to take stock

The year 2020 has already started, allowing us to look back to last year and see our mistakes furthermore what we did right. Also we have finished the decade giving us, the generation z, a reality hit, we are not in our childhood anymore.

For me, 2019 has been one of the best year of my life. I have lived so many new things, I travelled, I struggled and I have learned a lot of thing . For the first time I have experienced what is like to be alone without your family and I feel it made me grew and become the person who I am now- equally the bad times as the good ones.
I also made some great friendships with fascinating people, who are all very different to each other, broadminded and with a lot of things to say to the world. It breaks my heart that some of them are not longer with me but most of them still on my side.
I will remember forever some of the things I've done like literally hiring a bus for one day with my friends and visiting places, swimming on the Atlantic Ocean or exposing a project at the NUI G.

For this year I just wish I enjoy it the same. I also would like to put more effort in school and do my tasks daily not just the last day, stop procrastinating and sleep more.

lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

NATURE could be the solution

Recently Ecotherapy has become a really popular theme. It is said that it could be a solution for mental illness but, what is it about?

This consist in going for walks in natural areas such as forests, beaches, mountains etc. After that it ensures that you will feel more relaxed, happy or even fulfilled.

On the one hand I do believe this is true because it is proved that just the fact of going outside and bask in the sun for a short period of time (I mean like 10 minutes approx) can make you feel better.
 I also think it is positive because It makes you appreciate nature so it might help some people to be more respectful with the environment.

 On the other hand I also think this could be mistaken. Even though this is great for punctual feelings, saying that it could cure mental illness its too much. Alike other "Alternative medicines" that promise heal every kind of deseases this may not have the same effect for everybody.
This could help to a person that is feeling stressed in their daly life or somebody who is just sad but if we are talking about people who suffer real mental illness such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety only medicine and professionals could really help.

To sum up I think it is a good idea to relax and enjoy nature.


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