viernes, 24 de julio de 2020

He told me he hadn't done it.

Anxiety is an emotion which I am sure we all have experienced more times than we would have liked to. Some of its common symptoms are sweaty palms, an increase of the heart rate and more blood flowing through the vessels, besides it is caused as a response of a real or imaginary threat.

This feeling has been a true savior during evolution. "Fight or flight" is a reaction that has kept us alive, surviving dangers of predators and other dangerous situations that could have resulted in death. Furthermore, anxiety has another positive aspect applicable in nowadays' lifestyle and it's that anxiety pushes us to improve and do our best. If we didn't have this natural response we wouldn't be able to study hours and hours to do a good exam or to keep awake finishing some project. Quoting a CEO "Anxiety and a brilliant brain is the key of success".

However, anxiety is not a motivation to do things for everybody , some people find this feeling overwhelming and it disables them to do the pending tasks. Also for some people even a small decision triggers anxiety. In these cases anxiety is considered an illness and should be assisted.
Furthermore, we might be anxious for a long period of time, for instance we might be anxious due to an exam for days or even weeks, and that is not healthy at all.

To put it in a nutshell, anxiety is a natural feeling that we should be able to handle. I believe that most of it comes from school/work related matters ,so if we learn when it is worthy to worry and when it is not we will drastically reduce our likelihood to feel anxious.

Alcohol and Social Anxiety Disorder - Alcohol Rehab Guide

domingo, 19 de julio de 2020

Time to bite the bullet!!

I'm sure we have all heard the expression "Netflix and Chill" and yes, although it is a great plan for a lazy day or a meet up with some friends it can also turn into a problem with ease if we spend more time than we should and we become addicted.

On the one hand, Netflix is a good option to reduce our stress after a long day, when we just want to relax, get over it and maybe have a laugh with our favorite show.
Moreover, apart of its entertainment purpose you can also use it as a fun way of learning a language. Thanks to its many language option and subtitles you can improve your listening or reading skills (even both at the same time). I do really recommend it to learn some idioms and to get used to the different accents of a language.

On the other hand, being addicted to Netflix can make you waste a lot of valuable time. This problem affects mainly teenagers and it triggers difficulties of concentration when they study or in some cases a complete lack of study. Furthermore, a lack of sleep in the long run is a risk for your health. 

To sum up, I believe that Netflix is a great tool ,but you must use it carefully and have self-control.
I personally do not have an account because I don't watch series very often, but I used to have one and I enjoyed it.


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