Last 25th of November my school, Ies Mediterraneo, decided to collaborate to give visibility to a movement which is growing bigger and bigger each year, moreover it made students think about the current position of women in our society.
The act they organized consisted in placing students in a certain way, shaping the symbol of the movement, a violet bow. The students were raising black and purple balloons and some of them read some texts talking about the topic in from of their mates.
The act ended up very good, all the students liked it and it could be said it was a success for the school. Also, a photograph of the act was taken by a dron, it interested a lot of people and now we have a picture to remember that day.
To sum up I think the idea was the best, besides it is important that the school gets involved in those topics because all kids should be implicated and tough about such an important issue.
domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019
Dad dancings
Neither my mother nor my father usually go to parties, they don't really like them. They are not really exited about loud music and lots of people but sometimes if the people at the party are well known by them they are up for dancing, singing and doing crazy things.
The way they dance it´s not really remarkable, they don't make risky moves but it is true that sometimes they slip a 80´s move but I'm not embarrassed at all, I just find them funny and even I have ever joined them with my sister just joking around.
The one thing they do at parties that does embarrass me is when they sing. My mother is more discrete about it, unlike my father. When he grabs the microphone it is difficult for him to drop it. It is basically like glued into his hands. It wouldn't be so bad if he sang ok!
In conclusion, parties with my parents are great if there is not karaoke.
The way they dance it´s not really remarkable, they don't make risky moves but it is true that sometimes they slip a 80´s move but I'm not embarrassed at all, I just find them funny and even I have ever joined them with my sister just joking around.
The one thing they do at parties that does embarrass me is when they sing. My mother is more discrete about it, unlike my father. When he grabs the microphone it is difficult for him to drop it. It is basically like glued into his hands. It wouldn't be so bad if he sang ok!
In conclusion, parties with my parents are great if there is not karaoke.
Christmas is a special time on the year. It´s the perfect excuse to have all the family members all together enjoying their company in a joyful environment, to eat extravagant food which is rarely made but absolutely delicious. It sounds great but however, there are some aspects not as good as the others
Firstly, on the positive outlook, as I said all relatives can meet, including members who live faraway or even in different countries. It is also a time to spend with your friends and in general to all the people you care about . It is also a time for yourself to relax and to forget all the tasks and stress from school or from work.
Then, on the negative side, there are some people who are not able to disconnect either because their work doesn't allow them or because they don't realize they need a break. Moreover, another negative issue is that Christmas now a days is so focus in presents. Many children often fall out with their parents because the gift they received is not the one they wanted. But it is difficult to know for parents or sometimes it is just not possible economically.
In conclusion, Christmas is a great time, so we shouldn't give as much importance to shallow things such as present and keep in mind to be happy and give back love to to everyone.
Firstly, on the positive outlook, as I said all relatives can meet, including members who live faraway or even in different countries. It is also a time to spend with your friends and in general to all the people you care about . It is also a time for yourself to relax and to forget all the tasks and stress from school or from work.
Then, on the negative side, there are some people who are not able to disconnect either because their work doesn't allow them or because they don't realize they need a break. Moreover, another negative issue is that Christmas now a days is so focus in presents. Many children often fall out with their parents because the gift they received is not the one they wanted. But it is difficult to know for parents or sometimes it is just not possible economically.
In conclusion, Christmas is a great time, so we shouldn't give as much importance to shallow things such as present and keep in mind to be happy and give back love to to everyone.
lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019
Rubbish is literally anywhere, on the streets, on the countryside, even on the sea.... Affecting in special to animals and sea animals which often die by ingesting it or because the are chocked. It is a problem that we had created so that we must solve. Its our responsability.
Some actions help to reduce the amount of waste we produce and so are great to fight climate change.
In Paris many restaurants are transforming their food- waste into compost, which also benefits plants. I think its a very original solution and they should encourage other countries like Spain to follow their example.
Countries less advanced are using what they call echo-brick. They are plastic bottles filled by every kind o not organic waste such as plastic covers from different products, which are putted together with pressure creating a high density brick which can be use as a normal one to create homes.
Now a days we are finding interesting and creative solutions which do not just reduce the amount of waste we have but they also solve other problems at the same time. However we still having a lot of work to do.
Some actions help to reduce the amount of waste we produce and so are great to fight climate change.
In Paris many restaurants are transforming their food- waste into compost, which also benefits plants. I think its a very original solution and they should encourage other countries like Spain to follow their example.
Countries less advanced are using what they call echo-brick. They are plastic bottles filled by every kind o not organic waste such as plastic covers from different products, which are putted together with pressure creating a high density brick which can be use as a normal one to create homes.
Now a days we are finding interesting and creative solutions which do not just reduce the amount of waste we have but they also solve other problems at the same time. However we still having a lot of work to do.
Over population has became one of the main problems of the 21st century, the birth rate has increased more in a few decades than it has done all along the history and it is highly possible that it continues growing even more. At the moment almost 8 billion people live in this world.
This is concerning for scientists who study climate change and our environment due to this is one of the causes of that. They declare that we must do something. Every single person needs a lot of space and resources to live -water, food, home, installations such as schools, hospitals...- so their impact in our planet is huge.
So as at this point is obvious, the consequences of overpopulation is the lack of resources in our planet.
We can hardly do anything to solve this problem but the two thing I can think of to help this are: firstly reduce our consume and impact, It is estimated that we would need one and a half planets Earth to satisfy our demandings at the moment. We are taking a 50% more the Earth can produce.
And Secondly is to giving women around the world a proper sex education and contraceptions to give them their right to choose if they want to have a children or not.
To sum up this is a problem to take into consideration when we are talking about climate change because it is highly affecting it but it doesn't seem to be equally treated as that.
This is concerning for scientists who study climate change and our environment due to this is one of the causes of that. They declare that we must do something. Every single person needs a lot of space and resources to live -water, food, home, installations such as schools, hospitals...- so their impact in our planet is huge.
So as at this point is obvious, the consequences of overpopulation is the lack of resources in our planet.
We can hardly do anything to solve this problem but the two thing I can think of to help this are: firstly reduce our consume and impact, It is estimated that we would need one and a half planets Earth to satisfy our demandings at the moment. We are taking a 50% more the Earth can produce.
And Secondly is to giving women around the world a proper sex education and contraceptions to give them their right to choose if they want to have a children or not.
To sum up this is a problem to take into consideration when we are talking about climate change because it is highly affecting it but it doesn't seem to be equally treated as that.
Who taught you the most things?
Parents have the duty to teach their children the most they can, to prepare them for the world. In my case my mother and my father both did it, which is something I appreciate it and I'm so grateful about .However if I were asked who taught me the most important lessons on my life I would say my dad.
My father taught me the essential things from the most basic ones to now a days´, Because I continue learning from him. Also, he always does it in a very unique way. I remember learning to add and subtract while I was on my way to school, playing and competing with my sister to add or subtract the number of the license pates of the cars.
He didn't just taught me things but he also made me learning them by myself, pushing me to live new experiences and step into new challenges. Moreover, he didn't often help me with some things, he just told me "Solve it" and in fact that made me find the solution by myself and also becoming more independent. But anyway I know I can always rely on him.
As a final reflection I would add that when we are younger, we may not realize the reasons why our fathers are confronting us because we are not able to understand so we often disobey them and we don't do what they ask us. But afterwards we see it clearly and we see our mistakes.
My father taught me the essential things from the most basic ones to now a days´, Because I continue learning from him. Also, he always does it in a very unique way. I remember learning to add and subtract while I was on my way to school, playing and competing with my sister to add or subtract the number of the license pates of the cars.
He didn't just taught me things but he also made me learning them by myself, pushing me to live new experiences and step into new challenges. Moreover, he didn't often help me with some things, he just told me "Solve it" and in fact that made me find the solution by myself and also becoming more independent. But anyway I know I can always rely on him.
As a final reflection I would add that when we are younger, we may not realize the reasons why our fathers are confronting us because we are not able to understand so we often disobey them and we don't do what they ask us. But afterwards we see it clearly and we see our mistakes.
sábado, 26 de octubre de 2019
Less and less water!!!
An alternative way to save water that probably you didn’t know is to reduce your meat consumption.
Yes, I know that it sounds weird and probably most of the meat lovers when they hear it jump into a defensive position. But I’m not suggesting people to become vegetarian because that’s a personal choice and honestly I wouldn’t do it myself, but eating less meat in your daily basics its possible and much easier than you think.
The pasture for livestock is the sector which requires the most water -yes, more than the plant agriculture, and the difference could surprise you- This happens due to the fact they have to feed thousands of animals during all their lives and some of them, like cows because of their size require a lot. So in the case of American people, who eats an excessive amount of meat, this is a problem.
This is just another thing to do for the climate as well as the typical ones of “Do not water your plants as much as you do" but instead of being focused on the sector which less water takes -domestic issues- is directed to the one which takes the most.
If you want to learn more I recommend you to search “Vegan Calculator” wich will calculate the water besides other factors about meat.
Summer holidays passed long ago, but...
For my next holidays my dreamed place to go is Thailand. I think its an underrated country!
My sister and I would love to travel there, it isn´t as expensive as it looks. In fact its much cheaper that other well known tourist places. Also it does have a completely different culture that it´s a main thing you look for when you travel but that in my opinion people misunderstand, and they go to others European countries that usually are not so different in habits.
Also Thailand has beautiful sight and a karaoke culture, wich I think its so funny and because of that there are so many great singers and musicians. Besides, food is amazing.
In conclusion ,I recommend you to check it out. And maybe give it a try if you are looking for some exotic and unique holidays.
Technology is not that bad!!!
When the first computes were made I think nobody could imagine the use of computers and technology as they are used today!. Honestly it inspires so much to me when I read any article about technology in the medical field.
Nowadays doctors can use technology to operate people and have more precision in their work, to create new skin from just a couple of cells, to make possible that a woman that can’t have children have the option, to discover new things and with that new information discover even more and more. If you asked me I believe it is almost a miracle and we can say that technology saves lives.
Also the fact that young people are more interested in robotics is great due to they specialize and become experts into that and that helps the technology to advance and evolve more quickly. I admire the case of David Aguilar, a Spanish boy who used his favorite toy, LEGO, to create for himself a robotic- arm.
To finish, I wonder what is next. What can we make possible that now isn´t. And when is it going to happen, maybe in the next five years or maybe tomorrow?.
Nature is calling.
Since the beginning of humankind we have been so closely related to nature. Thousands of years ago we depended so strongly on nature, if the weather wasn’t the right one we could have famines and we would starve and pray to nature to be kind with us. But what has changed? Now, We, Humans, think that we have become more intelligent, more powerful than nature, we think that we don’t need her. But we could´t be so wrong…
"Nature is speaking” and her message is dedicated to us. She isn’t speaking in a soft and delicate voice, her words are loud and it´s a declaration of a war that we are not able to win. Without weapons, without any bullet. Just a silenced by ourselves slow but constant destruction of our home. That its herself, so that´s a clue that something isn´t going very well.
But as the mother she is, she is giving us a bit of time to fix our errors and to learn of our mistakes. We have to move, start taking action and treat her with the respect she deserves. We have 11 years (according to the UN) to stop the consequences of climate change, which for some of you can sound like a lot but it is less than 130 months and we aren’t doing enough yet.
On the other hand her message has arrived to some people, in special to young people, who are going to be the leaders in the future, and they are going to vote for the action. This gives us some hope with their answer of “yes nature, we hear you”.
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Over the last few years crowdfunding has become an increasingly common way of raising money for entrepreneurs. This practice consist of ask...

Rubbish is literally anywhere, on the streets, on the countryside, even on the sea.... Affecting in special to animals and sea animals which...
Spain is the second most visited country on the entire world. Right after France and placed ahead of bigger countries such as United States,...
Over the last few years crowdfunding has become an increasingly common way of raising money for entrepreneurs. This practice consist of ask...