jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

Bubión on fire, but...

Every year, around summer season, many wildfires appear as the heading of the news. They are becoming more and more frequent as well as bigger. Moreover , this is a catastrophe for us, humans, but also for the animals, plants and overall the whole planet where we live.

On the one hand, many of these fires are caused by a human action. Either intentional ones or accidentals (due to the rubbish we have thrown there), they are still our fault. As far as I am concerned, we are not doing enough to prevent them ,so we ought to apply harsher measures. For instance, in those cases where the fire has been intentional, there should be no other solution, but a jail sentence. And in the other case, a great solution would be creating a fine for any kind of rubbish thrown, even if it is just a cola can.

On the other hand, sometimes they happen because of natural reasons. Lightnings sometimes reach the top of a tree and burn it down, unluckily that cannot be prevented, but we could pay more attention to the forest when a electric storm starts, as it is easier to stop a fire when it is little.
Also, a wildfire can begin because of what they call "rule of 30" (+30º temperature, -30% humidity ,wind of +30km/h and +30 days without raining),conditions which are given more often because of the global warming.

All in all,  wildfires should be at the spotlight during all summer. Quite recently we have seen fires in Bubión, a really big one in Huelva and yesterday one in Motril. Because of that we should invest more money in developing the existing technologies to detect fires before they occur.

Herramienta gratuita para descifrar WildFire | Blog oficial de Kaspersky

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